The Beauty of Sculpture depends on the Vision of the Sculpture. Divinity is not a born, it is a result of Visionary parenting. - Dr. Tushar A. Suryavanshi

Sanskar After Birth

 Importance of Mother's milk

Mother's milk is very essential from the first day of birth. Mother's milk is useful for increase immunity. Up to 4-6 months baby should be on mother\'s milk only, not even water is allowed.

 Diet of a Mother After Delivery

Diet of mother after delivery is very important, as it should meet the needs of both, baby & the mother. The diet of mother reflects on baby. Maximum diseases in the newborn are a result of improper diet & routine. Importance of Hot water, Massage & fomentation after delivery is unparalleled. It helps to eliminate toxins from mother\'s body. It also helps to regain the lost energy during labour. Mother\'s food gets converted into breast milk. So to improve the quality and quantity of mother\'s milk diet should be proper.

 Don'ts after pregnancy

Don\'ts after pregnancy ex. Cold food, cool air, heavy light, fan, fruits, junk food, Bakery items should be avoided. Complete bed rest at least for 45 days after delivery is beneficial.

Complications after Labour

Obesity, Piles, Varicose Veins, Backache, Excessive Hair loss, hyperpigmentation, Insufficient Breast Milk, Breast Abscess, Anxiousness, and Depression are some common problems arising from labour. These can be efficiently tackled with proper medication & diet.

 Sanskar Like

Sanskar like Jatkarma, Lehan, Nadikalpan, Namakaran, Annaprashan, Upaveshan, karnavyadhan, Stanyaapanayan etc. Every Sanskar has its own significance. Every Sanskar should be implemented at different milestones of the newborn.

Vedic Methods of Immunisation

Suvarna Bhasma, Vacha, Brahmi etc are some medicines, which are used for the increasing immunity of the baby. The Sanskar of Karnavyadhan has its importance of immunization.

 Postnatal exercises through Medium of Asana

Important for – weight control, regaining the original shape of the body. Exercises or Asana should be practised one month after delivery.

Postnatal exercises through Medium of Asana

Important for – weight control, regaining the original shape of a body. Exercises or Asana should be practised one month after delivery.

Neonatal baby care

  • To be attended by both mother & father.
  • Normal newborn & variations ex. Physiological jaundice, weight gain in newborn.
  • Do's & don'ts in common baby problems like excessive crying, nappy rashes, vomiting, diarrhoea, pain in abdomen etc.
  • Normal newborn baby care.
  • Vaccination Schedule.
  • Normal milestones of baby and changes in diet and daily routine of baby.
  • Parents should know information regarding pediatric care.