Diet during Pregnancy in Nashik
Basic concept of healthy & nutritional diet for mother – Proper diet plays an important in fetal reshaping. The development of the baby in the womb is totally dependant on the Mother’s Diet.
- Effect of Diet types on mother & baby.
Diet According to the basic health constitution (Prakruti).
Diet According to the basic health problems (Vikruti)
- Diet according to the complications in pregnancy ex. IUGR, Oligohydromnios, hypertension etc.
- Concept of Complete & Balanced Diet – Shadarasatmak Ahara (Diet having all Six Tastes)
Concept of Improper / Unbalanced Diet – Virudha Ahara ex. Milk + Fruits together.
Food that must be avoided during pregnancy & their effects on Mother & baby. Ex. Spicy food, Preserved, Fermented food etc.
Proper method of consuming Diet & making a proper schedule.
- Simple recipes that will take care of mother’s & babies needs & taste.
- Specific diet for every month.
- Importance of Jala (Water Based) tatwa pradhan ahara.
- Importance of Ghee, Butter, rice, milk in mother’s diet.