Giving Birth.
Normal Delivery
- In today’s era of nuclear family, no elders to guide about delivery process.
- Today increasing ratio of cesarean delivery.
- Process of normal delivery if explained to mother will helpful to reduce fear about labour and leads to easy labour.
- Daily schedule of yogasanas, Pranayam, meditation is definitely helpful for vaginal delivery.
- Specific yogasanas and breathing techniques reduces fetal distress.
- Some herbal preparations are very useful to avoid complications.
Painless Delivery & Complicated Delivery
- Painless Labour – It is a concept in which labour takes place easily, within short time, without any complications and bearable pain. Mother has to follow Asanas and Pranayam during pains to provide sufficient oxygen for her & Baby. It helps to descend the baby, facilitates process of normal delivery.
- Caesarian delivery is indicated only when the life of mother or baby is in danger due to severe complication like obstructed labour, fetal distress, cord around neck, cervical dystocia, ruptured uterus, convulsions etc. and if there is no other option left for vaginal delivery.
- Forceps & vacuum deliveries are helpful in last stage of labour when baby is obstructed or when mother cannot tolerate the labour pains.
- During labour many complications may occur to mother or baby, to prevent that specific scheduling for medicines, diet and yoga is important. The Pranayam, Asana & Exercise practiced during pregnancy helps to reduce the complications.